Thursday, January 20, 2011

Guide Rails for Balsa

Today, I did a little R/C sailboating and went flying.  Weather was just too nice not to take advantage of it.

Getting out lets me clear my head and got me to thinking about how to implement guide rails on my Phlatprinter \\\ for cutting Balsa where tracking is critical and there is no room for skew of any kind.

While I can track FFF perfectly now, put a sheet of Balsa on it and if the pressure rollers are not just exactly exerting the same force on both sides, you will get skew, be it ever so slight.

I had already experimented with clamping a temporary guide rail in place and knew that it worked to eliminate any small tracking errors associated with the pressure rollers being uneven, so I just needed to think of a way to do something more permanent.

The idea came to me on the way home, so I stopped by my local hardware store and picked up some 8/32 thumb screws, 8/32 tee nuts and another sheet of 1/4" MDF.

I drew up a set of guide rails in Sketchup and will cut them out tomorrow, drill 4 holes in the top plate to mount the tee nuts and I should have a nice set of adjustable guide rails for locking Balsa into position.

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